Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA)
Results for Knox County Public Schools
Reading Assessment
Elementary • 38% Proficient | 22% Distinguished
Middle • 33% Proficient | 19% Distinguished
High School • 31% Proficient | 13% Distinguished
Mathematics Assessment
Elementary • 38% Proficient | 15% Distinguished
Middle • 33% Proficient | 10% Distinguished
High School • 29% Proficient | 4% Distinguished

District Finance
Our Services
and Information
For the current and past Kentucky mileage rate reimbursement amount, visit the Commonwealth’s Finance Page. View rates
Existing employees may make several changes to their personnel and payroll information using the MUNIS Employee Self Service.
MUNIS Self Service Manual (.pdf)
MUNIS Self Service WebsiteNote: The district will no longer print replacement copies of pay advices or W-2's.
The district will no longer be accepting paper copies of personnel or payroll changes.
All employee usernames will be your employee number.
Student Field Trip (Van) Request
Student Field Trip Request Form
*(Bus or Other Carrier [Out of State])Note about student meals paid for by the Board:
$5 breakfast, $10 lunch, $15 dinner ($30 per day, per student and/or required coach/sponsor.)
Coaches/sponsors on student trips are limited to the same meal allowance as students.
Frequently Used Object Codes
Vendor Add Request Form
Vendor Direct Deposit FormFor MUNIS password resets please email: techsupport@knox.kyschools.us
310-02-100 Basic End-User Workstations
310-02-101 Assistive/Adaptive Technology
310-02-102 Software, Apps, & Digital Cont
310-02-103 STLP Leadership & Services
310-02-104 Classroom Instructional Tech
310-02-105 Advanced End-User Workstations
310-02-106 School & Dist Print Services
310-02-107 File Servers and Storage
310-02-108 School & Dist Voice Systems
310-02-110 Financial Acct System (EERP)
310-02-111 Student Info System (IC)
310-02-112 School & District Network Component
310-02-114 Internet Hub Fiber ConnectionIf you have any questions about the category that your item might fit into, you can send an email to: techsupport@knox.kyschools.us
Requisitions and purchase orders will be checked for the appropriate or missing code. If you do not include a code or the code is incorrect, your requisition may be rejected. Once the requisition is rejected, you would need to Activate the Requisition, update with the appropriate code, and re-submit.
Knox County Public Schools have utilized ESSER funding, including ARP ESSER funds, to carry out the vision and recommendations of our stakeholders inline with our vision and mission of #kcpsTOP10.
The latest report and spending plan is downloadable below: