Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA)
Results for Knox County Public Schools

Reading Assessment
Elementary 27% Proficient | 17% Distinguished
Middle 34% Proficient | 16% Distinguished
High School 31% Proficient | 11% Distinguished

Mathematics Assessment
Elementary 31% Proficient | 9% Distinguished
Middle 30% Proficient | 9% Distinguished
High School 23% Proficient | 6% Distinguished

Online accessibility


The Knox County Public Schools is committed to serving all members of the public, including people with disabilities. To the extent possible, KCPS strives to make our information and services accessible to individuals with disabilities and to remove any existing barriers to access.

As part of these efforts, this website has been reviewed for accessibility and will continue to be evaluated and improved to ensure it meets WCAG standards. (For a better understanding of these standards, see WebAIM's WCAG 2.0 checklist and the W3C's How to Meet WCAG 2.0.)

If you encounter a barrier when using our services or accessing our information, please contact the KCPS Communications Department.

Additional available resources include those for our English Language Learners and exceptional education students with a disability in use of devices to improve accessibility on a case-by-case basis.

Contact Information

For accessibility information, please email communications@knox.kyschools.us.